Video learning resources


We have put together this collection of films and recorded lectures relating to various themes in the history of vaccination and the life of Edward Jenner.

We have taken care to only include content from trusted providers, however Dr Jenner’s House is not responsible for resources created by third parties and you are advised to exercise your own judgement.


Vaccination: past, present and future


Smallpox: Lessons from Eradication. For the first of our Jenner Conversations, Professor Paul Fine and Professor David Heymann, who both participated in the World Health Organisation (WHO) smallpox eradication programme, joined Professor Gareth Williams, author of Angel of Death: the story of smallpox, to discuss the steps towards eradication and the lessons we might learn from it today.

Being Pro-Vaccination in a Digital World. For our second event in the Jenner Conversations series, we were joined by Imran Ahmed, Professor Helen Bedford and Dr Tonia Thomas in a discussion chaired by Dr Richard Horton to explore how we can celebrate vaccination and challenge misinformation in a digital world.


The Life and Legacy of Edward Jenner. Dr Tim Wallington describes the life and legacy of one of the most important figures in medical history focussing on the key ingredients of his success. This video is from an external provider.

From Jenner to Wakefield. From early irrational fears born of outdated medical understanding through to the latest medical research and findings, Professor Gareth Williams traces the history of the anti-vaccination movement and its long tail, reviewing the social settings in which the fears were found and offering a balanced assessment of vaccination as we find it today. This video is from an external provider.


The History of Polio Vaccines. The development of polio vaccines is more than a great medical success; this is a gripping story that provides a window into the evolution of medical research during the last century. This video is from an external provider.




Cows, Kardashians and Housewives: Part 1. What is the immune system? How does your body fight off infections? How does vaccination work? What do we still have to find out about the way our body works? Join Dr Kate Harvey from Coventry University to find out more in this four-part beginner’s guide to immunology.

Cows, Kardashians and Housewives: Part 2. What is the immune system? How does your body fight off infections? How does vaccination work? What do we still have to find out about the way our body works? Join Dr Kate Harvey from Coventry University to find out more in this four-part beginner’s guide to immunology.


Cows, Kardashians and Housewives: Part 3. What is the immune system? How does your body fight off infections? How does vaccination work? What do we still have to find out about the way our body works? Join Dr Kate Harvey from Coventry University to find out more in this four-part beginner’s guide to immunology.

Cows, Kardashians and Housewives: Part 4. What is the immune system? How does your body fight off infections? How does vaccination work? What do we still have to find out about the way our body works? Join Dr Kate Harvey from Coventry University to find out more in this four-part beginner’s guide to immunology.


The human body


Living Autopsy. Join consultant histopathologist Dr Suzy Lishman as she performs a living autopsy to investigate the effects of modern living on the body. Discover what an autopsy involves and how post-mortem examinations have transformed our understanding of disease and why future investigations may not require a scalpel.

Being a Pathologist Q&A. Consultant histopathologist Dr Suzy Lishman answers your questions in this Q&A, recorded live with Owen Gower from Dr Jenner's House.


Neuroscience and Careers Q&A. This live Q&A about neuroscience and careers with Dr Emma Yhnell from Cardiff University was recorded with Owen Gower from Dr Jenner's House.

Immunology and Careers Q&A. This live Q&A about immunology and careers with Dr Kate Harvey from Coventry University was recorded with Owen Gower from Dr Jenner's House.


The world around us


Zine Making and Drawing Workshop. Both scientists and artists use lots of different methods to explore the worlds around them. Join illustrator and science communicator Hana Ayoob for this zine making & drawing workshop to put your powers of observation to the test! Along the way we’ll explore how observation makes you a better artist, and how drawing can be an essential part of doing science.

Cloudspotting. This discussion about clouds was recorded live with Professor Giles Harrison, Simon King and Dr Claire Ryder


More than Weeds. Have you seen plants growing on pavements, gutters or walls around you? Urban plants are often unloved and seen as undesirable weeds. But did you know that they have a vital ecological role to play in our towns and cities? More Than Weeds is a project aimed at changing our perception of the pavement plants around us. Dr Sophie Leguil will talk about some of the plants you're most likely to spot, and how to identify them, and explain how recording these plants can help scientists.

More than Weeds Q&A. Dr Sophie Leguil answers your questions in this Q&A, recorded live with Owen Gower from Dr Jenner's House.


Being a scientist


Citizen Science - Partnerships for Discovery. The rise of mobile technology has meant that scientists and the public can work together like never before. From ants to outer space, diseases to climate change science is finding new and sophisticated ways to harness the curiosity and tenacity of people far beyond the lab. From its early beginnings to the remarkable variety of projects now available, Professor Adam Hart explores the many ways you can get involved with innovative science!

Career Panel. How did you choose your specialism? What’s the most rewarding thing you’ve done in your career? What’s something not many people would know about your profession? Dr Jenner’s House Collections Volunteer Abbie asks our panel of scientists the hard questions, so that you don’t have to!


Science Communication 101. Why is science communication important? Who’s it for? What happens when it goes wrong? In this panel discussion chaired by Jo Durrant, broadcaster and presenter of Jo Durrant’s Beautiful Universe, Rebecca Ellis, Professor Adam Hart and Professor Jo Verran explore all of this and bust a few myths along the way!